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ACM Consulting Services

ACM Consulting Services leverages 20 years of analyzing and investing in companies to help small businesses and nonprofits grow and optimize efficiency.

Starting, operating, and growing a small business is a herculean task! Having the right procedures, processes, and personnel in place early in the game can often determine whether a business fails, survives, or thrives! 

We view businesses in 3 segments: Operational, Financial and Personnel. All three segments are absolutely critical to success. Too often we have come across businesses that fail or have not reached their full potential because one of these areas has been mismanaged or neglected. Our expertise includes, but is not limited to, the following verticals:

Operational Vertical

  • Analyze and recommend organic growth strategies
  • Merger and acquisition analysis
  • Analyze and/or recommend supply chain and inventory management procedures
  • Review and recommend other operational efficiency initiatives

Financial Vertical

  • Expense management analysis
  • Merger and acquisition analysis
  • Asset and liability valuation analysis
  • Cash management strategies
  • Investment management services

Personnel Vertical

  • Strategies to increase personnel accountability
  • Team building strategies 
  • Initiatives to improve employee morale
  • Fostering an ‘owner mentality’ across the workforce